A There Weekend with a visit from the Lady who’s Family. Off we go in the car to Brecon and the Farmer’s Market where they buy bits of broken old glass. Apparently, it’s called re-cycling. More like rubbish to my way of thinking. It’s not as if she don’t know what a bin is for. After all, she spends enough time tidying up and cleaning.
Then we’re off to the Mountain Centre where they have a grand cafĂ©. We sit outside in the sunshine while they eat. Great place for making new friends and they usually offer me a little something. “Is it ok for him to have …” they normally ask my MBNAD woman. Why don’t they just ask me? I’d let them know pretty quick. So I demolished a couple of spuds with gravy, a bit of scone and a jelly baby. Never had a jelly baby before. Made my teeth bounce a bit. On reflection, think I’d rather have the spuds or scone.
Then we went to a big house where they sell even more vegetables and fruit. Organic. Dunno how you get inorganic fruit and vegetables, meself. Perhaps it has something to do with elephants in the garden.
After lots of gardening , it’s time to return to Here and I have a week of visiting. She’s off with a suitcase, not the little red Going-There-Bag. Humph . But I did get to visit the Man-with-the-Cat and The Cat with the Little Dark One.
I like weekends with my MBNAD woman. When I used to look after sheep, all days looked much the same to me. But she only does Witchy Work from Monday to Friday and then we have a thing called The Weekend which is really just a fancy way of saying Saturday and Sunday. Mind, sometimes she does witchy stuff on the weekend too. That must be pro bonio which translated means for free dog biscuits which seems fair and reasonable to me. She does some tidying stuff admittedly, but mainly it’s about us being together. Here or There or Visiting. Don’t matter, where. Just being together and sometimes being with friends or the Best Thing: being with the Litter.
So Sunday we went Visiting to the Middle of the World to see the Tall One. Pub lunch, canal walk and back to his house for tea. Grand.
More Visiting this week: the Hello-Mister-Woman’s house. With an Oscar dog, rabbits and four kittens and the Hello-Mister-Woman’s girlie. Four kittens. All thought the Mossie tail was a great toy. Ah, well. I didn’t mind really.