Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Though lovers be lost love shall not

My poor old MBNAD woman has been having a tough time. More sad stuff and Various Vines.

And me ... the secret is out about Mossie and Thunder and Lightening. Very, very frightening. MBNAD woman off to work and, just like normal, my DB comes to take me out for my middle of the day walk. We go with company, which I like even if some of them are a bit boisterous. My DB always lets me sit in the front of the van because I'm so well-mannered. Then it started. Big splishy raindrops that became hard sharp rain and then the huge roll and crack . Hiding behind my DB's leg seemed the best idea. The others didn't seem to notice. I leaned even harder on my DB's leg and she got the idea that going back to the van was the best thing. So we went home, all wet. And when we got there, my MBNAD woman was home too. Wonderful. So I had a little shake and she got an old not-very-fluffy towel and rubbed me dry. Grand. I thought that we might have an afternoon snoozing but she had other ideas and was upstairs washing (she is always getting herself clean) and then down again quickly, but not in dog-walkers. Bother.
Off she goes and a couple of hours later someone brings her back and she's broken! Leg all bandaged and wobbly. Apparently, it's to do with the Various Vines. She's had something EVIL done to them. All pink and happy when she went out and then came back broken. Pale too. I try resting my head on her in my best new man style and she smiles at me but it's a broken smile. I don't like to see her like this and can see that I'm going to have to do a lot of this new man stuff if she's going to get better.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

Next day she was just as broken but still takes me out for my walks and we do lots of ball throwing. The Man with the Cat comes and they talk for a long time while she rests her leg a lot but this doesn't seem to be getting better. But excellent news: the Tall One arrived to look after her. I was beginning to worry that it was all going to be down to me. I'd have got on the bed to give her a hug, announces the Princess. I was always good at that. Food comes in a van. I help unloading.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

More broken and pale the next day. Mainly lying down with the Tall One looking after her. He's good and makes her smile a lot. Princess fussing all the time, worrying that MBNAD woman can't feel her love. Not only can she still feel her love, she has found a small, soft, cafe-au-lait tuft of Princess hair which makes her cry.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

The Tall One does lots things like bed-making and cooking to look after her.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

Mossie's blog is about to become readable by invitation only

Saturday, 19 April 2008

The Man in the Wind and the West Moon

She's been away for a couple of days leaving me with the Little Dark One at the house where the Man and the Cat live. I quite like it there and he has a wonderful compost heap where I have found lots of small treats.
Last night, she collected me and was very tired and a bit grumpy. She's been somewhere called Terminal Five and she had Views on the subject. I'd expected us to be off to There since she had packed the bags and everything but we went to bed instead. But this morning, she was out of bed with lots of bounce and, while I was still yawning, she packed up the car and we were off. Whooosh!

"Wales, Mossie, Powys, Home". Whoosh. We whoooshed so fast that There had turned into Here by the time had her her bowl of morning sick.

Said hello to the Nice Lady who lives next door and the Dog with Leanings before we went out for my morning walk. And then we were busy going to the Market where we said hello to Eddie Stickmaker. She bought some plants for the garden but we sat down all afternoon because it rained. I sat on my cushions and watched her through slitted eyes just in case she thought of escaping.

This evening just as she started cooking, the Lady from next door came round. She had wet eyes and nose. Dog with Leanings. Gone. I hugged her really hard and my MBNAD woman gave her a hug too. They drank some red stuff and remembered him.

For once, the Princess didn't have some daft trollop remark. He was my friend and I'll miss him, even if he did sniff my ears. I'm not always a daft trollop, she says, I'm good at making people happy so I'll look after him. Being old got to be very hard and he'll like being young again.

Smokey - 1993 to 2008. A life well lived.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Stars at elbow and foot

My poor old MBNAD woman has been having a sad time and she had this thing called flue. You couldn’t actually see the chimney but it made her wheeze an awful lot so I guess it was there. Perhaps she hawked it up when she was having one of those big cough and spit things. Anyway, the chimney’s gone.

At the same time as she was in the chimney-way, she was very, very sad and I have tried to make her better by leaning on her leg. The Princess suggested that I try one of those full-on snogs that she used to do but I don’t think I could get away with that.

We haven’t been able to be There while she had the chimney and sad stuff but I can see that she’s filling up the bag to go There so perhaps we’ll be off soon. I know that once we get there, she’ll be able to be happier.

We've had snow while she had the chimney. I like snow, chortles the Princess. Snow angels. Always made snow angels. Of course, there's a big royal tradition of snow activities. She does talk some pretentious claptrap. Used to go orrff piste. Yup well, I went off-piste and made some yellow snow.

The Little Dark One has been around a lot. Sometimes she’s with the Man with the Cat and sometimes with us. When she stays with the Man with the Cat, she comes to see me instead of my DB. Then off we go for a walk or even ball throwing and then I go to the Man with the Cat’s house where the Cat swears at me.

She's working on something called a Dizzy Station. When she’s busy with it, she sits in front of her wall-string-word-box with heaps of books and lots of cups of tea. Then she mumbles a lot of cat words, then she writes words, reads a bit and mumbles more cat words. Then the cat comes in and sits on the letter buttons on the wall-string-word-box. I lean against her leg to show I’m being supportive. Something I’ve noticed, bitches like you being “supportive”. Now I’m a new man, or at least the bits of the old man have gone, I notice this sort of thing. But not enough to get chatted up by the Dog with Leanings.

The Man with the Cat has had a very sad week. Old bloke, his Sire, Grandsire to the Litter, gone. I know, says the Princess, he’s become like me now. Yes, quite. And they were all sad when it happened to you so it’s made them all very sad. I think that they put him in a garden somewhere. The Litter were both here. The Tall One stopped looking for Hot Pixies all last week and came to stay. They kept going off to do things looking after the Man with the Cat’s Dam.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

MBNAD woman doesn’t have a Sire or a Dam but I guess she must have done once. Nope, says HRH, she was crocheted. She always said so. What a lot of right royal nonsense she talks. Small humans are made in the same way as puppies, and it ain’t got anything to do with handicrafts.