Tuesday, 21 October 2008


When things began to get really bad with the Jam Room, my DB took me out with her all day. That was really grand since I get to sit in her van which smells nice and dog. She thinks that I'm too old too get into the back of the van. Heh heh . But every afternoon, I went back so that I was home by the time that my MBNAD woman got back. So I guessed she didn't know that I was, ahem, enjoying someone else's company. Then one day I just didn't go back. Not quite sure how it happened but I just went home with my DB. Took my bed and everything. She's got a nice silver grey cat who speaks reasonably politely (for a cat). And chickens. And a horse. And piggy gins. And a Man. And a Litter. Well, I felt I could fit in just right. Found a nice cosy spot in the Eating Room. Grand.

Well, of course, I did think about my MBNAD woman quite a bit and, I confess I did miss her. I wondered if she might show up and take me back. Praps shout a bit at the DB for stealing me away. Praps shout at me for being stolen. But the days went by and she didn't show up at all. Then I began to wonder if she didn't know where I was or, even worse, wasn't missing me at all.

Then one evening, after I'd eaten my supper and settled down for a post-prandial snooze, she suddenly appeared. Oh, Dog. I thought we were in for trouble. I expected to get dragged out by my collar. I remember the Princess telling me that my MBNAD woman always said that even if she might be poor she wasn't common. But to be honest, I expected some common words at the very least.

Not a bit of it. There they were, chatting away happily. "Yes, of course, he's been a good boy. Did you have a nice time?". Big hugs from my MBNAD woman. She smelt funny too, warm and spice scented.

Then it dawned on me. I wasn't the one who'd been unfaithful it was HER! Bitch!

So we went home and she sat on the floor and hugged me for ages. Till I forgave her. Well, I'd forgiven her as soon as I realised she was back. But I let her hug me for a good long time.

And the men with the Mess have finished making the Jam Room.

All's well that ends well


bruces blog said...

Mossie she would never leave you forever, they always come home. I go to Stay with Debbie do DOG, she smells very nice and doggy we get walks ans lots of chances to shout hahahaha, I never remeber to look sad going there coz I am a TART too

Henry the Leaphound said...

Henry and Molly usually go to stay with a lovely lady called Heather who loves them as much as they love her. But the lucky things have come away with us the last two times and even got to sleep in the same room as us - dog bliss.x