Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Marke but this Flea

Once she got rid of the fleas, she had us being busy. People come for food. Dunno what it is about her, but friends and food go together.

First it was the Man-with-the-Cat, then there's the Hello-Mister-Woman. She always give me a hard look like she can suss me out but then fusses over me for ages, so I guess she's a mug too. She came to give MBNAD woman a big hug the other day which was good since I needed a break.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

I did lots of hugging too, said HRH. Yes, she did ... and I'm glad she decided to stay a bit longer before going off to be young again. MBNAD woman needs both of us at the moment.

She was much better on the weekend so we were busy out and about in the sunshine. I sit patiently everytime she puts the stop-Mossie-flying-away contraption on but it's an awful palaver.

More people, special people who usually come with Tinker Dog but since they were round for dinner Tinker Dog stayed home with their Litter. If truth be told, I'm a bit scared of Tinker Dog on account of her size. Hmmmm, says the Princess, you were scared of Bolshie and that can't be on account of size. Alright, I'm just a wobble. But I'm not a liar and I'm not a coward. Just a wobble, her wobble.

Liar-coward-man complained that I left a little damp nose patch and some hair on his trousers. If I'd known then what I know now, I'd have peed on him. One of those long, well-filled bladder pees. Not the kind of pee that marks where I've been. More the sort that reminds you where I don't want you to be. Me too, me too, exclaims the Princess. Yes, but my aim is better.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

Then we were off to the god-forsaken place in the Fens to see the Little Dark One. Hot weather so we sat by the river and the Little Dark One hugged her a lot. In fact we sat by a pub by the river and lots of people came to talk to me so I got well chatted up. Only cos they couldn't see me, grumbles the Princess. No-one can see you, I remind her. We just know that you're there.

"Night night Mossie, Night night Bella".

1 comment:

bruces blog said...

woo hoo MOSSIE, a pee for the spineless lair git rat, I would have left him a gift a large stinky brown steaming gift so it squelched up between his toes.
I would have left somthing a bit more than a damp patch and few hairs on his clothes, after a roll in the otter poo ( fish Based) very difficult to get rid of the smell,