On the last day, she was horribly busy with the wall-string-box-brush. Burnham Wood was taken down and the wall-string-twinkles put away. She had wall-string-twinkles in the room with the catflaps. If a large bird masquerading as light aircraft was looking to hook a Mossie, she had it lit up like a landing strip ready.
Everything tidied, washing done in a water-box-wall-string, beds made. One last walk where the red kite fly. Goodbye to the lady with the Dog-with-Leanings and Toothless Cat.
I have a secret. While in Paradise, I learnt to smile. Just a little one every now and then. Mainly when we have had a nice walk and I've had a good tea. I lie out on my bed, stretch out and go to sleep and as I drift off, I find my mouth has turned into a little smiley thing. Stretching out to go to sleep is funny too. I used to curl up and keep my nose and legs tucked up for safety but now I know I'm safe. Even when the Cat was around. I think she mainly swears. Don't bank on that one, says the voice.
So, through Eden we took our solitarie way back to the other house. I know what it all means now. Sometimes here, sometimes there. And you're supposed to be the smartest of dogs, says the voice. Here and there don't ever matter. It's who you're with that counts.
Lots of people have come and gone but it's always MBNAD woman and Mossie. I know what this is : we're an item!
"Night night Mossie, night night Bella".
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