Tuesday, 1 January 2008

A cup of kindness

Ok, the voice was right. The beds did fill up and we had loads of people here and all of them fussed over me. We had lovely walks in the mountains and then they all cooked and drank and washed up and cooked and drank and washed up some more. I missed the Litter and I think that MBNAD woman did too but she had lots of fun with the people and laughed and laughed and laughed. I like her being happy.
Last night even more people came and brought a really big dog too with a long waggity tail that hurts when it waggits against you. Ooof. All the beds filled up and she even got some other beds outs of the cupboard.
"Nearly the end of the year, Mossie." she says "What a lot of changes for you in 2007." What does end of the year mean. I know about seasons and when it's lambing and market time, but what happens at the end of the year? Does the year get rolled up and put away? Does it all start again?
All the females put on different clothes and smells and paint. I don't know why they do that but they seem to spend a lot of time fussing about clothes and smells and paint. I like it best when she puts on old jeans and her sheep coat. But I suppose she did look nice in that dressed up sort of way. Also apparently it's rude to call the females bitches. Dunno why but I don't want to get picked up on manners.
They all seemed to be well settled in eating and drinking and I thought that we were getting to night night Mossie time when they all bundled out of the house leaving me. "C'mon Mossie, we're only going down to the Tanners to see in the New Year". But I can go to the Tanners. I lean on her leg and moan softly to her. No, not tonight, says the voice. I'll keep you company.
And when they got back, they were all laughing and seem to have been drinking and dancing. Oh well, they probably would have stepped on my toes since they're a lot more clumsy than me. Don't know why they don't go to agility classes since one of them fell out of bed. The word fine seemed to be the cause of a great deal of giggling too. How can bitch be rude and fine be hilarious? I feel that there is much to learn in 2008.

"Night night Mossie, night night Bella"

1 comment:

Gullfoss said...

Mossie, how are you? Hope you and 'mum' (MBNAD) are keeping happy and well. I was intrigued by your posting about humans needing agility classes. As the terrified human who found himself floating and giggling to the floor, I have found a place that does agility classes for both humans and dogs.
If you have a moment I thought you might be able to cast your eye over it and give me your expert opinion